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Old 09-18-2018, 01:44 PM   #23
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Chelsea Ok
Posts: 46
alright!!!! This is absolutely frustrating!!!! If I unhook the back turn signal grounds the fronts work fine. If I then touch the grounds to the bike the rears flash as they should..... but..... if I have the grounds hooked up, or ground the leads to the bike......THEN turn on the switch.... nothing works.... I can't even untouch and retouch the ground. I have to turn the switch off, then untouch the ground, turn the switch on, then retouch the ground to get the rear signals to work.....

I have already replaced the flasher relay..... This is way above my pay grade!!!!
Brad Bachelor
"Marrying an old bachelor is like buying second-hand furniture." - Helen Rowland

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