Cue Music!!
Sooooooo. I got the bike all bolted back together except for the turn signal relay..... Polished up on my hand signals and took off
I rode out to the "First Oklahoma Oil Well" tourist site right here off Route 66 (....not much of a tourist site......

Impressions: (This was the first time I rode it for more than up and down the street.) It really reminded me of my first "real" bike..... A 1973 Honda CB175..... My knees were about as high on the tank and the power was just about the same. The foot position is not that much off of the ol Honda. I do need to adjust the brake pedal though. It's really high.... I have to lift my foot off the rest to get it.
I was surprised how little it vibrated. I haven't put the handlebar weights on yet and I sure didn't notice much in the hands or in the mirrors. Really a pretty well behaved little bike. My top speed was around 55 mph. The CB175 could do around 70, but I was 30 lbs lighter then.....
I'm pretty happy.......just a couple of small things to do before I can get to customizing it a little to make it mine........