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Old 11-16-2016, 09:15 PM   #13
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Well, I'd love to tell you that I researched all available options before I bought my GZ, but the

truth is I was looking for a small bike and someone had a GZ for sale within driving distance

at the right price and with low miles, so that's what I bought. Now, having said that, I was

very happy with the GZ, it got mileage in the 70's for me and was easy to handle and had

the appearance of a larger bike, I learned to adjust the valves and all the other

maintenance on it and I never had any mechanical problems with it. I've never owned

either the Yamaha or the Honda 250 but I have ridden the Honda and it was significantly

smaller and didn't fit my 6'1" frame well. Other than that, I can't think of anything bad to

say about any of the three, they are all well built machines that should give you good

service and no major problems and they probably each have some area where they

outperform the other 2 but I doubt if there's a lot of difference performance wise from any

of them.

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