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Old 07-29-2016, 04:24 PM   #12
Grumpy Oldman
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So the last 2 weeks I've been testing on my way to work.
84/89/91/94 octane: full tank as the baseline, bike is still 100% stock, fresh oil change 20/50 Motul synth I used 20/50 Motul non-synth as the topup, new plug, new air filter, new chain.

I get better mileage on 94 (one extra trip about 30kms) and the big difference is that at WOT (which I'm at for about 30 minuets each way every day) the engine will accelerate from 100-120kmh smoother. The GPS shows no other differences , but on the last couple days with the 94 I was 15 seconds quicker on my route(more likely draft! LOL)

I'll say this , run what you want, I'll stay with the 94 it's not even a 1.50$ difference in the cost per tank and the hour meter is on the motor and it's running at WOT.
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