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Old 06-17-2016, 04:34 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 6
Bike stalling out within a few mins of riding

Alright, this may be a bit long, but here is goes.
I have a 2006 GZ250 which I've had for the past year. No issues until about a week ago. Started running really rough and completely died on my way home. Will start back up (sometimes takes a bit) but dies again after about a minute of riding. Runs rough on RUN and RES petcock settings and hesitates when I give it gas while riding before it stalls out completely.

So far I've:
Made sure battery is fully charged
drained the gas to make sure there wasn't debris or water
cleaned carb and made sure jets were clear and float was ok
blew out hoses going to carb
removed and cleaned petcock and made sure filters weren't clogged
checked air filter which was clean
Checked hoses from air filter housing, they were clear
changed spark plug
checked gas cap filter
Checked and cleaned kill switch contacts

Anyone have any other ideas on what I may have missed that could be causing this? Could it be electrical?

Any help is greatly appreciated

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