I did it today. Put down a deposit on a new black 2014 Honda CTX 700 naked model. I will likely pick it up in a few weeks when the weather is better.
It is likely the cheapest new bike that is freeway capable. Looking forward to spring weather and sunshine on my visor.
Recently Honda dropped the price in Canada and the U.S. to unheard of levels. Poor sales? Who knows and I don't care. New bikes are hard to come by at a decent acceptable price. If it wasn't for the wonderful taxes

we pay up North I would feel like I won a lottery.
I know I said I would give the old Honda 650 Silver Wing a shot on the road but it just doesn't do it for me. When I sit on it, it just doesn't feel right.
The CTX is not near as high and top heavy as the Wing. I am also weaker at 70 years young.
Time to dust off the new Shoei Multitec helmet I have never worn.