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Old 12-16-2015, 10:59 AM   #2
Vegas Street Rider
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2015
Location: Henderson, NV
Posts: 1,112
It can be hard to shift gears once you have stopped the bike to downshift more than one gear. You should be downshifting as you slow down or come to a stop thereby reducing the need to shift down after you stop. Besides, it will save your brake pads as well. Be careful to reduce the speed of the bike this way though until you are used to the speed ranges for each gear. If you downshift at too high of a speed for that gear level you could end up over the handlebars. Let the compression of the engine slow you down to the bottom of each gear range, then downshift. Hope I didn't make it sound too complicated. As you get used to your bike, you will know by the sound of the engine when to shift (both up and down).
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