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Old 12-09-2015, 09:52 AM   #6
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 29
Just a quick update on this thread. I cleaned out the fuel tank, took off my petcock and found that the filter tube for "ON" was missing. Jiggled the tank and sure enough, it was in there somewhere. I was able to fish it out with a wire hanger and reattach with some E6000. Because of the lack of the filter tube, I assumed the issue was contaminants in the fuel stopping flow. On the bright side, my Reserve settings works as intended!

I also added an inline filter. Check the attachment, it's that type.

It happened again this morning. Running at ~60MPH, wide open throttle in 5th. Started stuttering, so I pulled clutch and it died. I waited a little bit (maybe 1 minute), then it started back up. The idle seemed 'weaker' then normal. It stayed on, so I continued on my way to work. It died again after about 2 miles, this time at ~80% throttle at 55mph. I waited again, started it back up, and continued on the last two miles of my commute without issue. Mind, I was babying it and trying not to go anywhere near full throttle.

At this point I'm thinking fuel flow. Like maybe it's trying to use more fuel than is being delivered? Is that a possibility? I never did do the compression test, I need to go rent the tester from AutoZone.
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