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Old 12-02-2015, 01:23 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 2
Bike wont start have spark and compression.

Good day all,

I have a 2000 gz250 that just wont start. Had an issue of no spark so I replaced the CDI and the pickup coil. Now I have good spark but the bike will not start at all. It has fresh gas, good compression right around 140PSI cold. Adjusted the valves and checked the timing marks on the cam gear and generator that seems to be dead on. I'm really lost on this one. I've sprayed starting fluid through the carb and nothing. If I put a huge gap in the spark plug it will backfire really hard. Any advise would be great. This is the first gz250 I've worked on.

I didn't see anywhere to adjust the pickup coil, am I missing an adjustment there for the timing? Is it possible for the generator to have slipped off the key and rotated on the shaft? I don't have the puller so havent been able to pull the generator to check. But I would think if the timing marks on the generator match the cam gear that is should not be the issue.

Thanks for any advise

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