Started my bike at work to head home. Started fine.
Heading down the first stretch of freeway. Everything seems fine.
Exit and pull up to a car at the intersection.... My headlight and running lights are not as
bright as they are suppossed to be.... Hrmmmm.
Get to next stretch of freeway and go more miles and pull off to my favorite sports bar...
Headlight and running lights even less bright.
Oh $#!7.......
But that didn't stop me from having my shot of jack d and some dos equis

I'm close to home now....
Go to crank and it turns over twice real slow but doesn't start.
I immeadiately know I've been running off my battery this 22 mile commute....
So I give 'er a little push then hit start again while popping the clutch.
She's started.
I get home.. By now my headlight is an amber color

I'm totally

as I have had engine problems and brake problems galore with this bike.
Battery now on charger. And its taking charge well. Like a healthy battery should.
So.... Anyone wanna lay odds on my charge system failure point before I start troubleshooting?