valve clearance adjustment help
I performed a valve adjustment a few weeks back and man it helped a lot felt like it doubled my power and helped with a high idle while riding and then stalling when coming to a stop. I was a hearing a little bit of a rattle noise so decided to get back in there to see if something was off. While taking off the cover to the valve stem area I noticed the black piece that the engine covers attach were a little lose (thinking this might have been the rattle). I checked the clearance and opened them up a bit. put it all back together and the bike is now running really rough. I attaching a video of it starting with the choke about half on and the bike is cold. as i turn the choke it gets better, im a little afriad to get in there in the morning when its cold again ill get back in there and check the intake cause i think they are too lose.
thanks and any help would be appreciated
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