Thread: Broke my bolt
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Old 06-11-2015, 06:43 PM   #7
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Seattle
Posts: 33
Well alright, I feel pretty silly now. I contacted Suzuki directly and well with fresh eyes, it turns out I was orienting the diagram the wrong way. Seems I need bolt number #13 and not #12. Oops. Got a part number and going to get on it pretty quick.

Water, thanks, I'll be looking on ebay for a front right fork cover. I have a knick in it and I want to get around to replacing it. Never done front fork work before. Any advice, links, videos you might be able to point me towards? Thank for the help.

spldart, thanks also. I didn't even think about junk yards which is crazy since it should be part of the male dna. Not sure where there might be a junked motorcycle yard around Seattle, but I'll start doing some research. I think I'm just going to replace the main gasket because i kind of want a quick turn around on this since I'm want to use her for my alternate mode of transportation, when I'm not on my bicycle, for a new job I just got.

Alright, I'll let you fellas know how it goes. Thanks for the input.
Gotta love a one nut fix.
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