When I was rebuilding the carb, I did notice something that was odd and may have been missing. Since it wasn’t there when I took the carb apart, I ASSUMED it wasn’t supposed to be there. See the picture attached and what the arrow is pointing to. Is that the 10mm piece that threads into the carb casting itself, or does this little thing sit inside that 10mm threaded part, and the needle valve (attached to the float)just sits inside it? Needle valve seat might be the correct term for it.
(picture taken from Partzilla. My SM illustrations are fuzzy)
Drew in Lake Forest, Illinannoying
Multiple motorcycle owner/restorer
Yamaha '86SRX600, '87SRX250, Honda '85VF1000R, Ducati '67 250.
Last edited by mobleydrew; 06-10-2015 at 03:25 PM.