You see that little opening that the airbox allows air through to the filter?
Try and cover that with your fingers at varying degrees.
If idle climbs as you cover then it dies as you continue to choke it off then you have
air leaks. (lean)
If it just goes straight from barely wanting to idle to dead then your to rich. (overly
restricted is another possiblity)
That test doesn't work if you don't have the plug in the hose going down from the
airbox... Thus the (better test at the carb mouth comment below)
This test might be more accurate if you yank the airbox and place fingers over the
carb inlet itself.
When I used to mod to K&N filters I would test if I was still to lean by putting a cut
off sock end over the filter. If it ran better then I knew I still needed to jet up a bit.
The sock would slightly restrict airflow and a 'at throttle' lean situation would improve.