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Old 05-25-2015, 04:05 PM   #21
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Location: Stafford, Texas
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I've had to replace clutch basket springs once. It was a 'beginners bike' that I started on back in the early nineties. An 82 Kawi 305 csr. Good bike. Anywho. The springs had a fairly significant number of miles on them when I rebuilt the engine. Once the rebuild with: bore out .5mm with new pistons/rings, shave the head, new valves with machining, port and polish, slight degree of cam and re-jet after k&n's i found the old clutch springs were an issue.
And even though it sounds like I did a lot I only increased top speed from upper 70's to the lower/mid 80's mph.

I guess what I'm saying is springs could be an issue.
Miles of use?
Contaminated plates can be an issue.
You seem to have eliminated that.

Can the lever arm at the shaft on top of the case be moved slightly by hand?
If you have taken up so much play that you can't 'wiggle it just a little bit' then...
imho, you have taken to much play out of the connection between handle and
clutch engagement.

Again. Bluish plates screams overheated from slipping.
Slipping by improper oil.
Slipping by improper adjustment.
Slipping by weak springs.

Just a thought. Has anyone been in this motor case before you?

Perhaps improper reassembly or missing part is causing this??

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