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Old 04-12-2015, 05:06 PM   #5
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 3
Thanks all for the welcome.

The TU is very nice since I changed the sprockets, so now I can get across an intersection before I have to shift into second. She accelerates about as fast as my old R50/2.

She's handles really nice on back roads and with the windshield not too bad on the highway. She kind of poops out over 75mph, which is just fine for me!
Most of my rides are under 40 miles, with some as long as 190 miles. I just ordered an AirHawk cushon as my butt feels the pain after 50 miles or so.

The rack is made by a company called CycleRacks (they use a picture of my bike on their website). Its really well built. The box is a RubberMaid 8 gal. Action Packer. I have added 2 Tool tubes to carry water bottles and some cheap saddlebags (K-Mart kids department). My wife keeps saying something about a second childhood--What ever does she mean?
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