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Old 08-12-2014, 11:22 AM   #2
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Someone else recently posted about Sigma 6...

I do not have any personal experience with this product, but I will bet a month's paycheck that is simply a "universal" jet kit that they have slapped the GZ name on. This is acceptable because it has Mikuni jets and parts in it.

It's probably going to have everything that you need - but it will also have about 25 things that you don't. 80% of what's in that box is going to be useless to you. This is why I have always recommended just going down to your local Suzuki dealer and getting a few Jets and doing it yourself.

1) The Needle Shim mod doesn't require anything but moving a circlip (or in some rare cases adding a washer)

2) Upgrading your main jet is as simple as turning a screw driver...

3) Adjusting the pilot mixture is also just as simple.

You can spend $14 on a handful of jets, and then apply come know-how. Or you can spend $60-$80 on a jet kit and then still have to apply that same know-how.

The only benefit to buying a jet kit like this is that you have a lot of different options for when/if you want to play around and really refine your jet settings, as they offer more variety.
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