I've seen that picture before or the same "helmet stuck in back of truck, man hanging from it". I actually been thinking of that when I see big trucks so I keep my distance.
I tend to hang back from the vehicle in front of me so I don't have to slam on brakes in whatever vehicle I'm in.
I got some days off so I'll be taking time to properly clean out my carb. as I have done it my "unhook the fuel line, run out of gas, and fill fuel line with carb cleaner and run on that" carb cleaning.
I've just been leery about taking apart the carb if I have no issues. I've had experience in the past where I wished I just left something alone because I took it apart and didn't get it back right. I've cleaned carbs before the right way, just not on my gz the right way yet. I don't expect much difference anyway.
Going to check my valve clearances too, it will be a first on my bike since I got it.
2005 GZ 250 10,200 miles
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