Thread: carberator ??
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Old 07-23-2014, 10:15 PM   #6
Rookie Rider
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Well I opened the carb again and slowly lifted the top off so the little spring dont go flying, (I remembered that part), but the little spring was on the middle of the big spring. Diaphram looked like it was seated nicely. I bought a new battery, the guy explained how to pour the liquid into it. As he demonstrated I asked, "will I need to charge it before I put it on the bike"? lol. He said noooooo nooooooooo thats not necessary. I told him I will anyway, he said it will be full in 10 min. I plugged it in and it charged till it reached fill charge, took 3 hrs. I'm leaving it on the charger over night. Not sure if I'm going to flush the tank just yet with fresh gas cause I'm going to Florida Saturday night and figured id do all that when I'm back. So until then, lol.
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