Originally Posted by mainlinecoffee
When I was working on my gz and had it stripped down to engine tires and frame with no extras it acted a lot like a dirtbike as far as responsiveness,it's no powerhouse but I have beat the hell out of mine for 8000+miles with no trouble due to stress or wear on parts. When I hit the highways. I cruse 60-65 but my 230 pound ass and up to 50 pounds of gear can still hit 70 on the flats. It sounds awful and rattles bad so I don't do it much except to merge. Take care of the bike and it will return the favor. Check oil clean carbs grease chain and haul ass.
I had a rattle sound from my bike I just fixed. It was a loose bolt holding a clamp on the muffler. The bolt was rusted and stuck so I ended up cutting off the bolt. I took it to the bench at work and drilled out the bolt from the hole and re tapped it to fit a bolt I had. I didn't have metric nuts so I tapped the nut too! Put it back on and haven't had that sound since.
Maybe you have something loose?