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Old 07-21-2014, 01:32 PM   #2
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If you search through the archives, there are plenty of claims of people putting in "350cc ENGINES!!!!!!!"

It is a bit under-powered for some applications - I'll admit. If you compare our bike to the Rebel for example, the highway speeds share a difference of like 20+MPH. The only real difference is the extra cylinder. All of the 2 cylinder 250s can touch 90 except the best tuned GZs. People have overcome this with some tuning - as it will improve with jetting and intake and exhaust upgrades. Combine that with the proper gearing and you can get more UMPH out of it on the interstate. But most people just cruise around back country roads and use it to commute mostly in town. For that, it's ideal.

I'm a big big fan of the smaller displacement bikes so I for one don't really have a problem with being underpowered on the highway - It makes the ride more of an adventure and planning long distance trips takes you places where there is more scenery than just the trees on the side of the interstate, and I like that.

It was never made to be a touring bike, and that's a good thing.
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