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Old 07-21-2014, 10:25 AM   #2
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But in all seriousness - let me just ask a few questions for clarification.
Can you rev the bike up just fine in neutral? Can you, at any point, get the bike to idle properly in neutral without using choke?

If the bike won't run without choke then there is an issue in the carb and/or in the choke circuit. If you know what you're doing, I'm going to suggest just pulling it again and cleaning everything, one step at a time. I feel like there's just a blockage somewhere in there.

To check the petcock for debris, pull the fuel line and see how it flows in PRI. I think if that flows smoothly then don't worry about the petcock. Do the same similar tests for each system, making sure it operates as it should off the bike, before buttoning everything back up.
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