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Old 07-02-2014, 05:29 PM   #1
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Join Date: May 2014
Location: Myrtle Beach SC
Posts: 15
Raising Fuel Tank

Pulling all the plastic off the bike, realized I need a place to put all the electronics...

Fuel tank by design has a large amount of space underneath.. Using short 1" riser pieces at the fuel tank bottom bolts most of the electronics fit right in that pocket between pod filter and fuel tank..

Adding a little more (and making bike look a little bigger) sounded like fun..

This one is untested yet.. I will let you all know once Thumper is back together..

1" x 3" steel pipe nipple, with 1" wide 5/8" deep 90 degree notch cut halfway or so. Rubber grommets on both end, a ton of electrical tape wrapped on ends (the original rubber pieces on the bike measure about 1 1/16")...

Drilled 3/8" hole though pipe nipple, and frame pipe right above the current welded rod piece that holds the rubber bumpers..

Initial Fitup looked good, want a little more rubber for cushioning. Will report back after a few miles. Can be removed for changing fuel tank if needed..
Attached Images
File Type: jpg fuel tank riser.jpg (47.3 KB, 54 views)
File Type: jpg naked gz.jpg (95.9 KB, 55 views)

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Last edited by jonathan180iq; 07-03-2014 at 08:06 AM.
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