You're going to be more satisfied with the throaty sound of not having an airbox than you will with the actual performance increase of the bike. Sometime the extra sound will make you think you're going faster than you are and, personally, that's ok.
Just remember - Main jet first, then mid, then dial in the pilot.
With the main you are looking for best acceleration under full throttle, not stumbles or flat spots.
With the Mid (needle) you want to eliminate flat spots and choose the setting that gives the most fluid power delivery.
Pilot should equal a smooth idle and quick start up. Once you find those little niches, you'll be a happy camper.
You can do a lot of work with the card still on the bike, just turn it sideways.
Be careful of the cap over the needle, as it's plastic and can break.
Don't strip your screws and keep a small pair of vice grips on hand in case you do.