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Old 05-29-2014, 10:35 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Ben Lomond, CA
Posts: 22
Irate Neutral light not working

Hi everyone. I have a 2005 GZ250 that won't start. I've been working on it for a while now. When I turn the key, nothing. The neutral light doesn't come on. The battery is ok. The starter relay checks out.

(The only service manual I have is the one I downloaded from here. It's helpful, but it's impossible to see any details in the pics).

So I've checked what I thought was the neutral switch coupler for continuity and got none. So it seems to be a bad neutral switch.
I also checked the side stand switch and got a reading of .58volts in the ON/upright position. And a reading of 1.0volts in the OFF/down position. This OFF reading is not what the manual calls for. It says it should be 1.4 to 1.5 volts.
I just sprayed everything with Deoxit. Thought that would do the trick, but it didn'nt.

Any ideas? How can I confirm that it's the neutral switch? Could it be something else?

Going off the rails on a crazy train!

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