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Old 05-22-2014, 03:55 PM   #5
Water Warrior 2
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Squamish B.C Canada
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Can't seem to access my pics but I did put a water proof power point on the handle bars of our bikes to power a GPS or other items. I also had a battery monitor that was nicely visible when plugged in to the power point. Kinda handy when running a bunch of driving lights and heated gear.
The power point and added items were fused and set up through a separate fuse panel hidden out of the way and out of the elements. This was on the Vstrom and Suzuki M-50. The GZ only had an extra light on the front for more visibility in oncoming traffic. Lynda didn't want me messing too much with her baby(first bike) and I left it alone.
Her M-50 had a To Do List that read like a book. It was an interesting couple months to assemble all the bits and pieces before the actual installlation process. So here I go straying from the actual subject at hand but Electrical add-ons are not that hard to do with some thought and preplanning.
A charging line for smaller items is simple as Cathy has shown. Thank you Cathy for the How To and the pics.

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