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Old 05-12-2014, 12:14 PM   #2
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These bikes can hold speed just fine. I took many a road trip between 65-80mph.
What they mean by it not being a highway bike is that these bikes max out around 80mph. It's not good for any machine to operate near 100% capacity for long periods of time. So driving cross country trying to keep up with traffic is not the best idea. If you are pinpoint with maintenance and know what you're doing, a bike is a bike. A long time ago, when clearances weren't nearly as precise, a 250cc machine was considered mid-level and people crossed the country on them. The common misconception now is that they are entry-level or "beginner bikes", which is just roughly better than calling it a toy.

Take care of your bike and it will take care of you -even if you thrash it around at freeway speeds.

PS: for safety reasons, when highway speed if your max speed, you don't have any juice left to avoid situations or to get out of the way at the last second. So keep that in mind when doing long highway jaunts.
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