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Old 04-24-2014, 12:17 PM   #1
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Posts: 46
More idling issues.....

Ive read through several of the idle issue and vacuum leak threads here and it sounds like my problem is a leak. My question is.......

Apart from the large {aprox 2.5"} hose connecting the air box to the carb at the rear of the carb......I can only locate two other air lines connecting to the carb.

1. is at the top rear of the carb {right side} and that one runs back to behind the airbox and just stops ended.

2. the other is thinner and is attached to the upper right side of the carb.......just above where the throttle cables attach to the rotating, spring loaded bit. This one is about 4" long and has a slightly widened end which for the life of me I cant figure out where it goes. Is there a diagram anywhere or can someone explain where it goes? Thanks

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Last edited by osborne; 04-24-2014 at 03:26 PM.
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