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Old 04-11-2014, 01:36 PM   #5
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Seattle
Posts: 33
Well Water Warrior 2, to keep it short and sweet I was travelling along, on a non highway road, and there is a HOV (high occupancy vehicle) lane that was available for motorcycles also. I had been cruising a bit and then traffic started to build up a bit. I decided to move over into that lane and the one 20 foot window that I decided to make the move there were these tiny barriers and well I tried stopping and just barely did so when my front wheel caught a piece of it and turned the bike over on it's side and me sliding down the road a short bit. Luckily it was wet so I slid rather than scraped. Had all my proper gear on so that helped considerably.
Just heard back from the shop and they sent me a list of stuff to go over, going to do that once I finish this post.

Thanks alantf, I'll keep an eye out for parts. I was also turned on to a motorcycle salvage spot near Seattle that I am going to check out also.

Thanks of the concern Filthee.
Gotta love a one nut fix.

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