Originally Posted by Cathy
Qasual - The learning how to ride part or survive part. Haha just kidding.
Honestly though, riding is easy. Surviving is not. Knowing the body language of vehicles that will merge into you without shoulder checking is pretty crucial. But that is just one example out of many "freak accidents" that can be avoided.
Like I said, I've been riding a 30mph motorized bicycle for years.
The GZ250 is only going to be ridden up to 60mph, and I'm willing to bet is going to be safer than a motorized bicycle. People will pull out in front of a bike all the time, because they don't really
expect motors on a typical push bike. I used to shoulder the road and let people pass, but eventually I realized that it's my road too and would hog the whole lane so that people wouldn't pass and kill me.
I'm not a TOTAL n00b. Just interested in specific info on the bike, really. Thanks for your concern, tho.
One thing I really do hate, tho... is the twist grip throttle control. I much prefer the shaved down brake handle I use as a thumb lever throttle control. Wonder if anybody has rigged up something like this on their bike? I
probably won't change it too much... to at least get used to the twist grip, but it really makes no sense to me why you would want to constantly change your grip while accelerating/decelerating, therefore changing your position from the brake lever. That's the ONLY

thing that I don't get about motorcycle safety!!