Thread: Personal Kit
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Old 07-10-2008, 07:37 AM   #3
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: southeast VA
Posts: 171
My "every ride" kit that goes out every time I do includes:
duct tape, zip-ties, ratchet, selected sockets (usually 10, 12, 14, and 17mm), basic tool kit included with motorcycle (mainly just for the spark plug tool), folding set of allen-head wrenches, tire plug kit, road flares, tire pump, tire pressure gauge, 1 bottle of water, set of mechanics gloves, a folding knife, small amount of advil, and a l.e.d. flashlight.

This is sometimes all in my tank bag, sometimes all in my rear-top box. Depends on the situation. Sometimes I reduce the list to just the bare essentials (tire equipment) if I'll just be riding close to home/people I know. I don't always take my rain gear, mainly because my normal gear is already pretty good at keeping me dry, and I really don't mind getting a little damp now and then, it's a good way to cool off from the heat lol.

If I'll be on the road for an extended time, or going somewhere I'm really not familiar/comfortable with, I also add:
road map, complete set of 8-22mm socket set (with a few extra specialty sockets), extra face-shield (I ride normally with a dark-smoked shield), torque wrenches, cotter pins, cable lube, WD-40, chain lube, shop towels, and anything that just strikes my fancy as a nice addition.

I know I'm a heavy packer :2tup:
Ride safe
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum

~By a route obscure and lonely,
haunted by ill angels only~

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