Originally Posted by blaine
I agree the bolt don't look to bad.I'd reuse it for now. 
It's hard to see in the video, but all 6 corners are rounded at the top. I'm getting mighty tempted to try though anyway. I don't want to have to wait a week. If I have to wait 'til next Wednesday, that will give me 2 days (with school and work taking up most of the daylight) to figure out what's wrong with him before I need 'im to get me out to my weekend job.
Originally Posted by Water Warrior 2
Iffy, did I understand the vid correctly??? You put in 2 bottles of oil and the next day that little dribble came out into the container??
Nonono, I put the difference between those two bottles (one was the one I'd taken from and the other was unopened) so around.... 100mL?