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Old 01-24-2014, 03:09 AM   #14
Water Warrior 2
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Squamish B.C Canada
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Leave it in the ON position. The Fuel switch is vacuum operated and shuts off automatically when the engine is turned off. When the bike runs out of gas in the ON position you switch to reserve and head for the gas pumps. Switch back to ON after filling up the tank.
The PRIME position is not vacuum operated and intended to prime the carb if it is dried out due to the bike sitting too long and not being ridden. Never leave it in prime after the bike starts up. Normally folks just switch to PRIME for 30 seconds and switch back to ON before starting the bike after a long time parked.
There are 2 hoses on the back of the switch. One goes to the carb to supply gas. The other is a vacuum line from the engine to the switch.
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