Now that bike's broken, I join ;P
I got my GZ250 in February 2012. It's my first bike and it's been great, but I don't know shit about upkeep and now it's gone and died, I suspect in a couple of different ways.
Anyway, I'm a college student. I'm originally from Oregon, but I study at Texas A&M. I got a bike first and foremost because it's a heck of a lot cheaper than a car, especially on campus parking (plus motorcycles get to park all over the place where as cars only get a permit for a single lot, also bikes can ride on roads that are closed to cars during the day). The coolness factor was definitely a nice bonus though, especially for a geeky girl who was trying to fit in to the Texas Aggie Corps of Cadets.
My bike's named Cooter in memory of one of my favorite horses that died... Cooter is my only motorized mode of transportation and I work a weekend job out of town, so I ride 'im for hour plus rides on Texas highways (up to 75mph speed limits!), and then on dirt roads... which is always a fun experience...
I guess that's it for me n' Cooter. Nice to meet y'all I guess?
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