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Old 11-04-2013, 09:02 PM   #12
Water Warrior 2
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Re: Winterize question

Motor oil-your choice as long as it is moto safe oil
Side stand-chain lube
Chain-chain lube
Brake and clutch levers-a drop of engine oil will do
Throttle cables and choke cable-light oil, sewing machine oil or ATF will work
Brake pedal pivot-chain lube
Shifter linkage- a squirt of chain lube into the rubber boots.
Electrical switches such as side stand switch, rear brake light switch, handlebar switches-contact cleaner. Just shoot at the switches and work them a few times.

Oh yeah, unscrew the top of the speedo cable and give it a few drops of oil and they will migrate all the way down to the bottom.
We'll leave the speedo sensor in the front hub for the first time you take the front wheel off.
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