Re: Winterize question
Get a Battery Tender. They are cheaper than a new battery.
Change the oil if it is anywhere near the due date/mileage. Lube the chain before you put it to bed for the winter. For that matter, lube everything that moves. Shifter linkage, side stand, cables, switches with contact cleaner, levers, all the everyday stuff that make get corroded or dirty. You will be ready to get on and ride in the spring with only a tire pressure check and light check.
Then spend the winter washing or maintaining your riding gear. Riding pants or jacket are washable if textile, just remove the armor first. Clean your boots, water proof them. Pull the liner out of your helmet and wash it out. Lots of stuff to mess with when you are bored and not riding. Read Proficient Motorcycling if you haven't already. Reread it if you already have.
Haunt local bike shops and keep posting here. Life is good.
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