Thread: My first ride
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Old 07-05-2008, 12:45 AM   #4
Water Warrior 2
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Re: My first ride

Originally Posted by bikerbroad60
Well...Saturday was rain-free,so I thought I would practice with my bike.So my first trip(because I don't have a motorcycle endorsement yet) was down my driveway,and across the street to my neighbors driveway,and a little private road. I had forgotten how fast a bike can be,so there were some scary moments at first,but I finally caught on and actually shifted gears!! It has been 34 years since I rode bikes.I was pretty good at it then,and I expect I will be okay now,on the dark side of 60.BTW:A friend of mine,a man aged 86 looked at the photo I sent him of my bike and said"Why the hell would you buy a your age!!!??" I was taken aback,but looked him dead in the eye and"Because I can." End of conversation.
I think I will be taking the written test tomorrow,so please wish me luck! I want to get out there and ride,even if my brother has to escort me. He loves to ride,and he was actually very geeked for me to get this bike. I think we will have fun.
Now...if only there was a way for me to carry my golf clubs on my bike!!
Ride safe!
Annie, just pick a direction and rent clubs when you get there. Better yet, plan a golf tour using rented clubs. Could be great fun.
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