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Old 09-28-2013, 12:58 AM   #273
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Franklin VA
Posts: 174
Re: Install a 16 Tooth Front Sprocket

I got to say, the 16t is smoother, tamer sounding. Got my digital tach. and the rpms are definitely lower in every gear. 1st gear at about 20mph indicated is 6,000rpms I didn't want to push it further.
I left for home after 11pm so it was too dark to tell exactly what rpms where unless under a street light at the right time.

I concur with everyone else it broadens out the range of the gears, I felt before even letting the engine rev for a few seconds before shifting it still seemed short time in between gear shifts. And I am gentle on the throttle.

When I adjusted the chain after putting the 16T on, for those who asked earlier I didn't have to tighten to much, maybe a full turn or so. I had to loosen up the chain and kick it in forward to get enough slack for the bigger gear.
I went from 57mpg to 64.8mpg going the same exact routes and riding the same. I ride at 40-45mph when I can or lowest rpms and now in 5th I can go as far as 3,400 to 4,000 rpms or around 35mph more or less. Mainly flat roads except for some inclines and declines I don't call "hills".
I can still hit 70mph gps as before just got to be in 4th and rev it there then go to 5th.
2005 GZ 250 10,200 miles

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