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Old 09-24-2013, 08:03 AM   #271
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Posts: 174

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
Like the sound of a big bore kit. Bumping up the displacement another 100 cc's or so would be a huge difference. The added displacement even in mild tune for reliability would likely allow for another tooth on the front sprocket and a couple less on the rear. Without going overboard this combo could be very nice for cruising the highways and give a longer, more powerful pull in every gear. But here is a less than great thought. Would the 250+ develope a vibration typical of larger thumpers ??
It would be nice to have a slightly bigger engine on the gz. Funny thing that is common with Itistheride forum and other scooter forums. People get a 50cc scooter and then get a BBK to make it 80cc's or 100cc's or even put a 150cc engine on a 50cc scooter body. They start going around 30-35mph maybe 40mph max then able to hit 40-45mph+ with big bore kits and taller gearing.

Then next 125cc upgrade to 150cc engine, then 150's scooters upgrade to 170-180cc's and go from 50-60+mph to 60-65mph+. Along with taller final gears as scooter are belt driven automatic CVT.

Then it comes to the 250cc class. About all these can do 60-70mph+ and then there are still people who are always wanting a little more power. Same thing, put in a bigger engine and taller gearing. There is always someone who gets something and wants to make it faster or better. I just like to do small things that make it better. I ordered the 16t sprocket myself and its a simple upgrade. I liked having a windshield on the scooter I had, I'd like to get one for my GZ for a better ride and less bugs hitting me.

I understand if you like what you ride and all you want is a little more power and top speed then you want to save money on a big bore kit and sprockets are inexpensive on bikes.

On Chinese scooters cheap as they are, you can buy a big bore kit for a $100-200 or so and put in taller final drive gears for 60-80 bucks if you press them yourself. So in that way it makes sense to spend a little more money on an upgrade like that.

Point is sometimes its just easier to trade up to the next engine size up, get a bigger bike that's ready to go stock for more power and speed. Which is why I got the GZ, its a good small bike and a big upgrade to any Chinese scooter. I don't mind tinkering a little but the Chinese scooter route is waaaay too much.Why buy something cheap just to have to upgrade better parts? Because its a lot of times cheaper to do that than buy a better name brand. Plus some people just like to upgrade

I just had to say all this, getting back on topic. A simple sprocket change to stress the engine less is a great idea. Can't wait to do mine.
2005 GZ 250 10,200 miles

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