Thread: FLAT Tire
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Old 09-22-2013, 08:22 PM   #10
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Re: FLAT Tire

Originally Posted by alantf
Originally Posted by lars
Is it worth it to add roadside assistance to the insurance package? I know towing can get expensive real quick.
Don't know how it works in America, but over here towing is automatically included in the insurance.
That's how it should be. Every vehicle is going to need towed at one time or another. Not everybody knows how or wants to change a tire, fix a tube, or change a spare. My girlfriend doesn't even know how to put air in tires! Sad part is she doesn't care, she never had a problem going to a shop. I do, I don't like paying more money than I need to.

Depends on what insurance company you choose. I have Progressive and I believe it covers at least $75 of the cost. I think towing cost twice that at least. I know for sure it costs only $10 more a year on my M/C insurance to have towing coverage. I isn't too much more especially when I pay about $200 a year on my plan and I don't have bare minimum. Its worth it to have towing coverage on there, even if it might not cover the full cost of towing.
2005 GZ 250 10,200 miles
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