Electrical Issue - No Electric...
Hello All,
I have enjoyed this forum and the resources, so I finally created a login and unfortunately my first post is in this section. I have a 2000 GZ250 with an electrical issue. When I turn the key I get nothing. Not a single light. I have downloaded the service manual and I will tell you what I have tested. I first tested the battery. I get a solid 12.4 out. I checked the battery - to ground. I checked and even tested all the fuses including the 20amp. I also tested the stator coil resistance per page 6-8 and showed 0 resistance across each lead. I will admit this was a brand new tester that was a bit confusing, so I will probably retest with my old easy to use one. Any advise or direction would be much appreciated as electrical issues are not my favorite thing to work with.
Thanks - Gary
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