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Old 09-09-2013, 08:48 AM   #6
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Re: Totally Weird Electrical Problem

Yeah, don't worry so much about the bogging and stuff. She sat for a year and has some old varnish and carb crud that she'll have to work through her system, unless you want to strip the carb and clean her up right. As mentioned, run some seafoam, Berryman's, or Marvel Mystery Oil through your next few tanks. (Probably Seafoam or Berryman's first. MMO is more of a maintainer and not so much a hard core cleaner like the other two.)

And, your battery is dead. The GZ needs a good solid charge to not only crank but to also run properly.

Again, to reiterate, always jump these things from a non-running automobile.

You may want to change your oil too, after 12 months of non-use. It gets pretty acidic in there.
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