Four weeks ago I was run off the road by a Honda Accord

on an exit ramp, if the car hadn't had one of those loud mufflers I wouldn't have looked in my mirror and saw him and geared down and got over to the side of the road. I got into the dirt, sand and gravel and went down. The driver didn't stop but two other cars did (they both ride bikes) they said he passed them doing about 70 (speed limit 50) while talking or texting on his cell phone. A cracked front fender was the only damage to the bike. A couple cracked ribs, bruises and road rash for me. My helmet did it's job. I'm healed up now and the fender is fixed (I'll do a better paint job on it this winter I couldn't find the factory 2006 Blue Silver Paint so I used Blue Metallic Dupli Color ) and I'm back on the road. This is a true example of how "LOAD PIPES SAVE LIVES" because if I hadn't heard him he would definltely hit me.
"RIDE SAFE" :2tup: