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Old 08-23-2013, 08:50 PM   #11
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Re: Praying for another easy fix....

Congratulations. Your prayer has been answered - you found the vacuum hose. It connects to a little nipple on top of the carb tube at the cylinder side, right where it connects to the rubber tube going to the cylinder.
It should have a little clip as well, to keep it on the little nipple. The way you have it (not connected) it will not allow gas to run down to the carb when the petcock is on "run" or "res". Only on "pri".

The way it works, when the engine is on, there is a vacuum in the carburator, which opens a valve in the petcock for the gas to flow.
When there is no connection - no vacuum to the petcock - valve stays closed - no gas to the carb.

You can read about the subject extensively in this recent thread (also has pictures and part numbers):
2005 "Saturn Black", stock + tach

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