Re: Need your thoughts on selling GZ250
Yikes, man.
There is no way you'll get more than $2,700.... And I don't doubt your condition description at all. And you even chose the right accessories that most people would value, but they'll never achieve their original market value.
I have seen uneducated buyers pay almost $3,000 for these on Ebay, used. But there are problems with selling vehicles on ebay, like the posting fees and the fact that deals can fall through and you don't get to actually deal with individuals, which is something that I have a problem with...
The market just isn't there for them to fetch much more than that, unfortunately. The good news though, is that you should be able to fetch the high end of out lower market. So good luck, man.
(PS - given that you're in Florida, there is a possibility that you just get lucky and someone pays whatever just because they want a bike. But for people that know how to shop, I think my numbers are pretty solid.)