Thread: Odd noise
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Old 05-02-2013, 10:34 PM   #2
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Re: Odd noise

I have similar noise or sound, its not hum, it is like vibration from a metal plate or some part that is loose inside. first I thought it was the exhaust cover as it comes from somewhere near the engine, but it was not the exhaust cover. I do not know myself what it is but in my case it is not constant, it comes at certain speed (revs) and goes away. and I am not sure it is coming from right or left side. the bike runs great and no problems so far.

In your case I do not see it is going away, I can hear in the whole clip only that when you rev up the engine noise takes over. one more thing, is your idle too high?

lets see if we get an answer, I am planning to take my bike to the shop this Saturday and will reply after that.
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