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Old 04-16-2013, 09:08 AM   #13
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Re: Some random questions about my new '06 GZ-250

for the sound in front wheel. brake pads do touch the disc all the time but they should not make any sound or put drag on the wheel. if there is a (loud) metallic sound (while pushing or driving) then pads are worn out and needs replacement or touching the disc too much.

in your case the bike has low miles but something could be wrong. so if there is too much sound the caliper might need adjustment or cleaning. check if there is enough brake fluid in master cylinder.

from my experience. when I changed the front brake pads first time I cleaned everything and did everything right but I could feel some sound like pads were touching the disc. there is a caliper holder that moves in a out. you can remove that for cleaning and the ends go in the rubber dust seals. clean the seals and when you put the caliper holder back make sure it sits good and "creates suction" and when you move by hand it moves freely. another important thing that I read afterwards, for washing the brake caliper assembly only use brake fluid, no kerosene or gasoline. bleeding brake fluid is another thing that needs to be done if required.
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