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Old 04-05-2013, 10:37 PM   #3
Water Warrior 2
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Squamish B.C Canada
Posts: 11,409
Re: Problems? with Rotella T.

You might be unconciously wanting to hear a difference and finally heard what the bike has been doing all the time. As for a faster warm up that means less choke time and a cleaner running engine. Ride it and enjoy it. Rotella is a quite robust oil and both of our past bikes were happy using it. The price wasn't a heart stopper either. Just be sure you change oil and filter at proper intervals as well as checking the oil level on a regular basis.

Just a suggestion to everyone here. I found that packing a couple 250 ml bottles of oil was a good practice. They are small and easy to store especially on a longer ride or trip. You may even rescue another rider on the side of the road who needs a top up. We are all brothers and sisters out on the road.

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