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Old 06-24-2008, 11:40 AM   #2
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Hey man,

From what I remember, I always had more trouble with vibration in the hands on the Ninja than I ever did with footpeg vibration.

The GZ is just the opposite, in my opinion. I never have any trouble with vibration in the hands, even after I removed the bar-ends weights and installed mirrors. The footpegs do give me some vibration. However, it's more pronounced when I have the balls of my feet on the pegs. When I'm resting on the sole of my foot, I can hardly feel it.
I don't have a broken foot (which sounds pretty wicked, by the way) but it doesn't bother me. It's not really a rattling vibration, just a slight buzz.

Still, with only an 8,000rpm redline and a counter balanced engine, the buzzing isn't as bad as what you might feel around 10k-11k on the Ninja.

I just ordered some sporty anodized footpegs, so we'll see what kind of change that brings to the footpeg vibrato.

Hope this helps,
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