Re: High idle...
Just my two cents:
My buddy rides a bone stock gz250. I pulled the spark plug only to see WHITE...EVERYWHEREEEEE!! indicating LEAN/HOT conditions. Suzuki has their heads so far up the EPA's &%$ that they forgot what put them on the map. That bike was STARVING for fuel, and CHUGGING at wide open throttle. Just drill out that little air/fuel screw cap and put that beast 2 turns out! Your GZ, along with your manhood, will thank you.
In all seriousness an idle drop should be performed, but even if you have no idea what you are doing, 2 turns out on that screw is better than the 3/4 of a turn it came from the factory with!!!!!! what the?!!....arrgh...
It shouldn't be that infuriating when working with a GZ, but the Cam overlap/EPA settings they released these 4-cylinder carbureted(And crappy F.I. mapping!) sport bikes with is stupid..They post 35-40 MPG but AT WHAT RPM??!! They feel like my mother's Fiat 500 until about 7000 RPM upon which you are reminded that you are sitting on a bike built for racing. The danger discovered in a bike that triples its horsepower in a split second should have taken precedent to the potential improvements in MPG to please the EPA. Reminds me of the first 911 turbos that were killing people left and right!
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